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Training - Week 4!

What a week! I was on a business trip AND I had my Disney kickoff with Team in Training!

First, I was very thankful that Week 4 was a recovery week. The program increases in intensity for 3 weeks, then drops back a bit for a recovery week. That meant I only needed a quick 2 mile run on Monday. Since I woke up at 4:30 AM to get to the airport, my only option was after work. Luckily, I convinced my work bestie, Paulina, to join me! Paulina and I enjoyed the sunset over downtown Nashville and the breeze over the river before grabbing a bite to eat.

Wednesday was tough, in that I was out late (for me) on Tuesday night and had a 6:15 alarm to get 3.5 miles in before work - and be presentable, too! No t-shirt and wet hair like I could do when remote. But I did it! I got to see a beautiful morning sun over the river on the Pedestrian Bridge before doing 2 loops around Nissan Stadium. There were a bunch of other runners out at that time, too, so it was definitely more my scene than the bachelorette parties and drunk partiers at night! I usually get so tired on work travel weeks, so I was super proud I was able to stick to my training plan! :)

Saturday was our first Team In Training session for the Disney runners! I met Coach Jen, Coach Kim, and Coach Ed, although Coach Ed looks like he's just a wee-bit (read: a lot) faster than I will be! The coaches were in costume as the Three Caballeros, and I just knew - these are my people! These three will be the ones that help me get through the next 20 weeks. They've got fundraising tips, interval tips, in-race fueling tips, etc., and I just want to be a sponge soaking it all in!

After the run, we went to J. Christopher's for breakfast. Lesson Learned: Bring a change of clothes. The restaurant had a bulletin board of local businesses, so I added my business card to the wall, too. And for the first time driving home, the "how" became a little clearer. I've been envisioning this goal for so long, but always thinking in the back of my mind, "How in the world am I going to do this?" These three, and their decades of experience, are how. I may or may not have teared up on my way home just a little bit. One day at a time - that's how I'm going to do this!

P.S. The red mascot is Betty the Blood Drop! Go TEAM!

Week 4: Run 10 miles + Walk 3.55 miles = 13.55 total miles

Cumulative: Run 60.71 miles + Walk 7.61 miles = 68.32 cumulative miles

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